Magic KingdomWalt Disney World

Quickest Ways in and Out of the Magic Kingdom


As Disney People, it’s obvious that we love the Magic Kingdom. But what we don’t love is getting in and out of the park. It’s seems like there is no easy way.

That is partially true.

Here I will give you our most successful tips and tricks for ways to save some time when you are coming or going.

Quickest Ways Into the Magic Kingdom Entering at the TTC

This is the longest and most time consuming way to enter the Magic Kingdom but for a lot of us this is a reality.

Depending on what lot you are in and what time you arrive at the park consider not taking the tramp. Unless you have arrived late the walk to TTC (Ticket and Transportation Center) is normally quicker than the tram. I know this because we have a stroller and often times it is a headache getting it on the tram.

Monorail or Ferry Boat, That is the Question

Once you get through bag check it is the moment of truth, Ferry or Monorail? This also depends on what time you are arriving. But in most cases I would say the monorail. Here is what should be considered.

The monorail goes straight to the MK with no stops but the Ferry boat can hold upwards of 600 people.

The Ferry boat takes longer to load and unload because of this. And if you miss the Ferry boat be prepared to wait 15 minutes for the next one to come.

You Had All the Fun in the Parks and Now It’s Time to Head Back

This is where the true Disney strategy really comes in. Either you are tired, your feet hurt or you have a sleeping kiddo. What’s the quickest way out?

In my opinion I would hop of the monorail coded as “resort monorail”. There is almost always less of a wait then any other option to get out. Sure your monorail will a stop at the Contemporary but the next stop is TTC.

The Ferry Boats are coming regularly but are slow and the the express monorail is almost never express. Just check out the line.

Good Luck and Quick travels to you!

Lauren Hersey

Our First Trip – May 2010

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